
Showing posts from October, 2011


Hyponatremia is also called water intoxification, it cause by excessive of water into body.

MooN - Keyz™: Tokoh : Pesanan Syeikh Ahmad Yassin

MooN - Keyz™: Tokoh : Pesanan Syeikh Ahmad Yassin : Wahai anak-anakku, a) telah tiba saatnya kalian bangun dan melakukan solat subuh secara berjamaah,sudah sampai saatnya kalian menghiasi dir...

Adilnya Hidup Ini... Bersyukurlah....

Hidup ni adil.... Dulu masa di sekolah, biology is my fvourite subject however, anything about plant, i'm not realy like it... dont know why... And now.. I'm in BACHELOR IN PLANTATION MANAGEMENT  how shocked!!!! PLANT CELL...... Plant cell consist of : cell wall cell membrane cytoplasm CHLOROPLAST An elongated or disc-shaped organelle containing chloropyll. Here are photosynthesis take place which is the light energy is covert into chemical energy- food it take place in chloroplast... LEAF TISSUES ORGANIZATION